Promoting the adoption of the Inter-American Principles of Academic Freedom

Professor Salvador Herencia-Carrasco has been coordinating a team composed by members of the Human Rights Research and Education Centre (uOttawa), Scholars at Risk (international NGO based in NY) and Aula Abierta (a Venezuelan NGO) that has drafted the Inter-American Principles of Academic Freedom that will be adopted by the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) (that is part of the Organization of American States). I am part of this team.

The IACHR has decided, before the approval of the Principles this December, to carry out a public consultation of the final text. 


The IACHR will receive input from the public until November 12. The text is available in English and Spanish (see links below)




This could be a good opportunity to receive feedback from you, as well as other interested parties. This is the final step into the approval of the Principles, and I think that a strong endorsement from partners in the Americas and beyond would mean a lot.


Please, help us to promote the participation from Canadian and Québécois colleagues in this consultation. 

Thank you, 

