Watch Now: Why Humanities? Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of Techno-Science

You can watch now the conversation with Professor Leo Corry from Tel-Aviv University (Israel). This talk is part of the Forum CéC series about the disrupting times in university education:


  1. Muy bien. Es posible tenerlo con subtitulos en español? Le invitamos a subirlo a nuestra bitácora que sirve de lugar de reunión a los científicos venezolanos en el país o en la diáspora.

    1. Hola Luis: Lamentablemente no está disponible la opción de tenerlo con subtítulos en español. Espero poder organizar en el futuro una charla en español como parte del Forum CéC. Puedes compartirlo en la bitácora. Muchas gracias

  2. Thanks for sharing this insightful talk. I congratulate you for creating this space. On the topic, I'd say it is a crucial issue in our current changing world and, as an effect, challenged academic environments.

    I wonder whether it will be room for humanities in future education in a world dominated by technological advances and instant, passing trends in social media and the stock market. Social communication is being reduced to very short, instant messages. Libraries are being replaced by Google and online encyclopedias. Will our profession (teaching and research human behaviours and ideas) be necessary for that emerging technological-oriented (dominated) academic setting? Even more, will academics play any critical role and will the academy (as itself) survive?

    1. I think that humanities are more needed now than ever, if we want to save the human in this world of depersonalized virtual interactions. Thank you for your comment.


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